This is for people who need to delete their FSX.cfg file but cant find it or dont want to find it.

For future referance the FSX.cfg is in the folder
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX

For Vista Users:
Place the fsx_vista.bat into your Main User folder (Named by your user name; Actual Place "C:\Users\USERNAME\")
Run the file (Double Click, or right click and select "Open")

For XP Users:
Place in your documents folder (Name 'My Documents'; Actual Place "C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\My Documents
Run the file (Double Click, or right click and select "Open")

These files are the work of Me, Ian Bertolacci. They are not to be edited (which is why the are read only) due to the problems associated with bad people editing batch files
I am not responsible for any damage to your or any other computer as a result of you using these files, not that any damage should occure.
You may upload the unedited "FSX.CFG Remover.zip" file to any other site you wish, but must not take credit for the file.